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  • Slow Metabolism AndBody Weight

    Slow Metabolism And
    Body Weight

    Our metabolism is simply what provides us with the energy needed to maintain our current physical state.

  • How To Boost Metabolism?

    How To Boost Metabolism?

    Clinical studies confirm it:

    You can boost metabolism!

    You can burn belly fat!

How to boost metabolism?
According to clinical studies, it's possible to boost a slow metabolism and burn belly fat.

What is Metabolism?

It’s a word you hear all the time if you’re a gym goer or regular exerciser, everybody’s talking about the metabolism!

Metabolism is your energy provider

  • What is Metabolism?
  • What is Metabolism?
  • What is Metabolism?

If it’s not metabolic conditioning, someone’s talking about “spiking” your metabolism, “manipulating” it to burn belly fat or even discussing the latest metabolism boosting pills. It’s all potentially very confusing though, because you can’t see it, you can’t hear it and you might have absolutely no idea what it is.

Don’t worry, we’re going to get to the bottom of the mystery and explain in simple terms what it is and what it does. Rather than being an internal organ or skeletal structure, the metabolism is actually just a daily process taking place within our body.

It doesn’t matter what the body part in question is, be it our lungs, our hearts or our biceps - our metabolism is responsible for any activity that serves to develop the area in question, maintain it, and generally ensure it can function at an optimum level continuously.

You could view it as the hardest working manual labourer in the world, it’s capable of performing absolutely every task associated with the construction of all of the positive elements we need to stay healthy, burn belly fat and ultimately “work” properly.

Now that you know how important your metabolism is to your daily functions and overall health, can you imagine eating food with zero nutritional content all the time? That’s exactly the same as trying to start a car without a gas in the tank.

Phases of Metabolism

You already know that the metabolism is an essential component of your health and requires the correct nutritional input to operate properly, but we’re now going to look at the various phases involved in that operation and see precisely how it works its magic.

Everything your body does requires both a “building”, developmental element, and a “deconstructive” element. You should view it in the same way as the manner in which we eat food, we have to chew it (break it down) initially before we can actually ingest and “absorb” it.

These two phases are known as “anabolism” and “catabolism”:



Anabolism is the building process the metabolism instigates when you take in the right nutrients. Everything from burning belly fat to rebuilding muscle cells takes place when anabolism is in full swing and this state is further enhanced by spiking the metabolism with supercharged health foods and metabolism boosting pills.

View this as the “positive” part of a battery - this is the production process you need to ensure that absolutely everything in the body is working smoothly and efficiently as a result of the constant “power” output from your metabolic digestion process.



Catabolism is the “breaking down” part of the metabolic process and is an absolutely crucial component needed to access the nutrients contained within cells in order to sustain our energy levels and vital processes.

You could actually view catabolism as a second set of teeth; once you have initially chewed and digested your food, the catabolic process then “bites into” and breaks those nutrients down further before the anabolic process kicks in to use the exposed nutrients for various crucial roles within your internal system.

Catabolism and anabolism both work together in perfect synergy to create a constant flow of energy production, growth and repair. This is why it’s so important that both aspects work to their full capacity, as without them you simply wouldn’t manage to achieve your optimum health levels or even develop your appearance further. There’d be no “bricks” available to build your house with.

How to boost metabolism?

In order to perform its daily tasks, your metabolism needs to access nutrients from your dietary intake. It’s these nutrients that allow your metabolism to allocate different resources to the different “tasks” within the system and perform the roles mentioned above.

Slow Metabolism and Body Weight

As you read on it’s becoming more and more obvious to you that the metabolism needs to function to its maximum extent in order to kick start and progress absolutely every bodily process including fat burning.

Those with slow metabolism often have excess body weight, are prone to disease and illness - their metabolism isn’t receiving the tools it needs to keep them in a fully operational and healthy state!

How to Boost Slow Metabolism?

Choice of Food

When you eat junk food, this ultimately means that your metabolism is scrambling as hard as it can to find the essential nutrients needed to instigate our internal processes, this includes breaking down fat cells!

So more food actually leads to more weight loss? It’s not as simple as that. You need to maximise metabolism-boosting efforts by eating the right food. See, without a fully functioning metabolism, the catabolic process needed to break down fat cells, and the anabolic process needed to use their contents simply isn’t going to take place.


How many people do you know who go on "starvation" diets in the hope that it’ll help them lose body fat? It never works! They might drop a little water weight to begin with, but after that it’s like they’re stuck in quicksand with nowhere to go. Weight loss stops and they ultimately never achieve their goals.

This is because they’re not actually providing the metabolism with the vital tools it needs to perform its job properly. It’s exactly the same as sending a postman to work for the day without any letters to deliver, how far do you think he would get?

Metabolism Boosting Pills

Now that you know the importance of fuelling your metabolism properly in order to burn fat, you should also consider how to boost metabolism with items like metabolism boosting pills and simple implementations like green tea and grapefruit to further enhance your fat burning capabilities.

When you increase the "productivity" of your metabolism, this is known as increasing your metabolic rate. You might have heard of this term being mentioned before in relation to fat burning.

Your metabolic rate is literally the speed in which your metabolism functions - the faster it works, the more fat you’re capable of burning due to this heightened state of efficiency.

Myths about Metabolism

One thing’s for sure, if you’ve been around exercise or healthy eating for any length of time now then you’ll know that there are so many reported tips and tricks to boost your efforts to burn belly fat and boost your metabolism in general.

How many of them are actually true though? We really need to take a closer look at some of the most popular forms of metabolism manipulation out there to see which ones, if any, will benefit you.


Myth #1: You need to skip breakfast in order to wake up your metabolism

Another common misconception amongst the many "fasting" diet trends circulating these days is that skipping breakfast is good for your body.

Think about everything we’ve discussed so far, you know now that your body needs healthy nutrients in order to burn belly fat, so what happens when those nutrients are absent? Nothing good.

So does it make sense to starve your metabolism of the nutrients it needs to burn fat with effectively and instead give it nothing in the hope that it’ll burn fat anyway? Of course not!

This idea is totally BAD. If you don’t eat breakfast then your body can’t actually start to burn belly fat effectively, by not giving it anything you’re simply delaying the process. Don’t skip breakfast!


Myth #2: You need to eat every three hours to boost your metabolism

If skipping meals means that your metabolism isn’t getting the nutrients it needs to perform your vital bodily functions correctly, then does that mean that going long periods without "refuelling" it could be just as bad? In short, yes it does.

If you don’t constantly "drip feed" your metabolism throughout the day, then it won’t be able to burn fat at its maximum capacity and keep your energy levels (as well as immune and organ function) at their optimum levels.

You should provide healthy, usable nutrients for your metabolism to work with throughout the day at regular three-hour intervals by eating smaller portions at each sitting. This fact is completely true.


Myth #3: Skipping meals makes you lose weight

No it doesn’t, but it definitely does make you hungry! What happens when you get hungry? You overeat.

This is one of the most common myths being preached at the moment and ties in perfectly with some of the crazy metabolic “manipulation” diets and food plans going around. You know enough now to know that this thought process is totally illogical because your metabolism won’t be able to sustain its burning capabilities.

It’s simply never a good idea to completely skip meals, not only are you likely to overindulge to the extreme, but you’re also likely to feel terrible in the process due to your energy levels dipping dramatically.

There’s nothing wrong with eating unless it’s nutritionally devoid food. You need to remember this and smile the next time you hear someone telling you not to eat. This myth is totally false.

Myth #4: You can’t change your metabolism

Of course you can! Our metabolisms aren’t genetically “slow” (unless you have an underlying disease in which case you’re an exception) they’re nine times out of ten simply the product of our habits.

If you’ve had a life full of eating nutritionally devoid food and doing absolutely nothing to boost your metabolism and burn belly fat like regular exercise and following a well balanced food plan, then as a result your metabolism certainly won’t be operating at full capacity (if at all.)

By eating well balanced and nutritious food, performing regular exercise and taking metabolism boosting pills - you’ll see a dramatic difference in the speed your metabolism operates. Another myth busted.

How to boost metabolism?

Yes, it’s absolutely possible to boost a slow metabolism and burn belly fat but you should look for a method that will work for you.

One of the most common reasons why people don’t achieve their weight loss goals is because they try to adhere to an exercise or eating program that simply doesn’t work with their individual structure. You’ve got to find a unique blueprint to follow that’s ultimately created from your personal daily structure and that you know you can follow without being distracted.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition

Boosting your metabolism isn’t about removing calories so much as replacing them. You’ve got to completely reengineer your eating habits if you want to succeed in creating a finely tuned metabolism that works for you rather than against you.

In order to do this, you’ll need to choose healthy food types that are actually nutritionally useful for you. When your metabolism gets to work and processes these food types, this actually burns calories in itself and is yet another reason why you need to provide a constant supply of nutrients.

Initially, don’t try to starve yourself, instead just make some simple dietary switches to create some immediate benefit.




Physical exercises

Physical exercises

When implemented properly, physical exercises are one of the absolute best ways to boost your metabolism and further enhance the effect of sensible nutrition.

Exercises are so great because it forces your metabolism to speed up your internal bodily processes and access the nutrients from your food at an accelerated rate. It raises your heart rate and forces the blood to circulate nutrients around the system faster. All of this “speeding up” burns extra calories and theoretically burns excess fat as a result.

You’ve got to keep in mind though that exercise isn’t going to be effective if your nutrition isn’t on point! Both of these elements work together hand in hand.




Lifestyle modifications

Lifestyle modifications

In conjunction with simple dietary changes you can actually boost your metabolism through some very easy daily lifestyle modifications that’ll have a massive effect on your metabolic rate.

It can be as simple as getting up and moving more often, or making sure you have at least four cups of green tea per day in conjunction with some of the more serious changes like getting 8 hours sleep and de stressing regularly.

Lack of sleep and stress are amongst the worst elements for you when it comes to inhibiting fat burning because they release an abundance of cortisol within the system. This supercharges your metabolisms catabolic process meaning it begins to break down your body’s internal systems more than it should as opposed to functioning in a productive manner.

In short, it simply means that your fat burning ability is totally inhibited.




Hormonal treatments

Hormonal treatments

Sometimes when a person says their metabolism is “slow” it isn’t an excuse but rather due to an underlying medical condition. In these rare instances, you’re going to need to seek some supplementary help in order to regulate your metabolism and maximise your fat burning ability.

Your thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones that are absolutely essential for regulating a healthy metabolic rate, should you suffer from hyperthyroidism it’s crucial that you seek medical advice and assistance to allow you to bring your thyroid hormone production back up to healthy levels again.

This is going to help you make some serious progress with your weight loss goals. If you were doing everything right yet getting nowhere, it’d be worth getting tested for this condition.




Metabolism boosting pills

Metabolism boosting pills are one of the best and most effective ways to boost your metabolism without the risk of any nasty or unnatural side effects. You can take them safe in the knowledge that they are enhancing your ability to burn belly fat by boosting your metabolic function.

All the best metabolism-boosting pills contain totally natural ingredients and are incredibly easy to implement into any dietary structure on a daily basis. Provided you follow the recommended dosage instructions and ensure that your nutrition is well balanced and effective, you’re going to enjoy some seriously great fat loss results.

Metabolism boosting pills work by accelerating your metabolic function via means of improved blood flow, nutrient uptake and energy production. They basically make all of the good parts of the metabolic process work more effectively than before.




Order now
According to scientific studies:
Metabolism boosting pills with caffeine have been proven to have a positive effect on human metabolic function.
This is perhaps why they have become one of the most popular health supplements on the market today, being used by millions on their weight loss journeys.

Read more about metabolism boosting pills

Clinical Studies

According to the extensive clinical studies, when you combine metabolism boosting pills with healthy diet, fat cell oxidation has been shown to vastly improve as well as the thermo genic (heat) effect created inside the body.

Thermogenesis is basically your internal body temperature. This temperature increases with the consumption of metabolism boosting pills with caffeine and leads to the metabolism burning calories (by producing energy) at an accelerated rate.

Even when you consume a meal, if you have caffeine in the system, this means that the meal is also consumed and digested at an accelerated rate in turn.

Metabolism boosting pills are one supplement you don’t want to miss out on.

Clinical Studies

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